Consultancy Customer & Developer Perspective

Consultancy - Customer Perspective

At VirukshA, we follow a customer-perspective approach which focuses on the customer, that is you! We offer living options like freehold, lease and rented. You can pick the options of your choice depending upon your needs, your likes, the flexibility you prefer, your budget and your long-term goals. The choice is always yours and we make the path easier for you by always being on your side as a helping hand you can always trust.

Freehold Model

Senior Living Focussed on You and Your Benefits

At VirukshA, we always consider your comfort and your benefits first. We offer exclusive customer-perspective and developer-perspective Senior living services that maintains the perfect balance between quality, perfection, budget and time schedule.

Leasehold Model

Rented Model

Now that you are ready to move to a senior living community, countless decisions await. One of the first and foremost decision to make is whether to go in for rented model based on your age and financial capability or secure a freehold dwelling unit with an upfront fee. Senior living rentals include traditional villas, apartments or row houses giving the seniors plenty of choices to choose the right residential unit.

Points to ponder

Rental property doesn’t require large upfront capital funds. The rentals are paid on a monthly basis.

Renting relieves you the biggest burden of homeownership. However, on-site routine maintenance will be charged as a part of the monthly fees

Renting offers flexibility: Should you ever choose to move, it can be done relatively faster and easier.

VirukshA will help in carrying out any documentation/agreements works for needy seniors.

Still mulling over the concept and options?

Contact and discuss with our senior living experts at VirukshA for more information and assistance.

Consultancy - Developer Perspective

VirukshA offers a developer-perspective consultancy that helps to develop independent living projects with case facilities
Development of Independent living Projects - Villas/Apartments/Row Houses on all the three living options- freehold, leased and rented model
All-inclusive model of Senior Living, Services and Care

Multi-Generational Senior Living concept involves a master plan of real estate township or community which will have a space for ‘Senior living community’ as part of it. It is an innovative concept, blending families of school children, young adults and seniors in social living activities builds a community that enhances our understanding of one another and thus the quality of life. It is the concept that more than two generations living in close proximity to ensure closes family bonding and safety to each other. The benefits are:-

  • Creates a sense of belongingness/ownership
  • Strengthens loving and healthy relationships
  • Grandparents inculcating the value of our culture/traditions
  • Seniors fight loneliness, engaged in a useful manner leading to better quality of life.
  • Enjoying privacy & independence at the same time.
  • Both the project model i.e real estate and senior living will complement each other for many aspects to the customers/residents and the developer/service provider.
  • This concept will be a value addition to the complete project/township


Business Models Based on Senior Living Facilities & Services

VirukshA offers B2B services for the development of senior living communities, and to offer services and care to the seniors

Living Facilities

This includes the construction of homes, common amenities and necessary infrastructure.
VirukshA offers the best consultancy services that cover all the major activities included in the construction process. Our services span over the beginning conceptualization stage to the design of the layout, floor plans, and drawings. We also offer recommendations for building design and architecture works.
The Project Management Consultancy (PMC) includes tendering stage, execution stage and finally, the completion stage. Here, the developer takes care of the contractor’s bills.

Services Management Options for B2B

Common Amenities Area (CAM) is Owned and Operated by VirukshA

VirukshA offers premium services and compassionate care for seniors. The Common Amenities Area (CAM) is registered under the name of VirukshA and the Developer gets the sale consideration for it.

Hand Hold Model : Common Amenities Area (CAM) Owned and Operated by Developer, Supported by VirukshA

In this model, the services and care are offered by the Developer. The initial hand hold assistance is offered by VirukshA for a time period of 1 year. After that, the Developer takes over the operation and VirukshA does a gap analysis and quarterly audit to ensure customer satisfaction. We make sure that the systems and procedures are strictly maintained in accordance with the adequate standards.

Lease Model : Common Amenities Area (CAM) Owned by Developer and Given for Long Lease to VirukshA

Here, the developer owns the Common Amenities Area (CAM) but offers it on a mutual agreement on a long lease to VirukshA. VirukshA takes care of the services and care facilities for seniors.